We are supporters and promoters of the Canine Express. For five years Casa del Toro volunteers have been at the Indianapolis shelter enriching the shelter animals. We see, first-hand, the problems that face Indianapolis pets including; euthanasia of healthy animals, lack of understanding about how the animal welfare system works, lack of community support for the local shelter and lack of funds appropriated to animal welfare.
Cairo was reunited with his family after a two-day stay at the Indianapolis Shelter
Our Kennel Enrichment Program works to shed a positive light on the programs at Indianapolis Animal Care and Control. We work every day to ensure that if Casa del Toro finds a stray and doesn't have a foster home available, like this guy here...
That his stay at the shelter will be fair, equitable and as short as possible.
In his book, Getting to Zero, Peter Marsh discusses strategies implemented by East coast municipalities in the 1980's that lead to a lack of animals being available for adoption today. The Canine Express is a nonprofit group with the mission to transport animals from high kill shelters in the Midwest to shelters on the East coast that do no have enough animals to meet adoption demand. This concept seems crazy to some people, but it is the result of a successful spay/neuter campaign. We are proud to report that Casa del Toro has sent over one hundred pit bulls to forever homes on the East coast. In 2014 some of our volunteers have even driven dogs, like Monroe, on the Canine Express out to the Maine shelter where he found his forever homes. This provides our volunteers with the ultimate assurance that our pups are going to good homes.
Monroe's Journey
We are grateful for the opportunity to save more pit bulls because we have the option to expand our reach and place dogs out-of-state. This is not a cheap endeavor. Each dog that we send costs us at least $200 in veterinary services, but it's worth it because with the help of the Canine Express we have saved even more pit bulls than our local resources have allowed!