Please don't look at me and feel sorry for me. I might only have 3 legs but I am not disabled. My only challenge is finding a home that will see past the fact that I am missing 1 leg. Please do not feel sorry for me, because I CAN do this, I CAN live, I just need you to BELIEVE in me.
Everyday we receive several emails from all over the United States asking us for assistance with a dog in need- Some days it's all we can do to get through the emails without breaking down because we have no room to help.
We do all that we can in the way of networking and connecting shelters with other rescues and shelters that may be able to help. Some days it just doesn't seem like its enough but its all that we can do when we are at 200% capacity.
We dont give up - we try as much as we can and we hope & pray that there will be that 1 person that is the perfect fit for that dog in need. Today this particular dog caught my heart- Why? I can't explain why, I don't know, I NEVER know why, I think it's because I looked at her and read her story and thought to myself- what chance does this dog have? Shes in a high kill shelter with 3 legs.
Its hard enough for a dog with 4 legs to find a home, yet here sits this beautiful soul of a dog in a shelter in OK with only 3 legs needing rescue and I can't help. - I don't see her as being damaged or with a disability, I see her with all the things that she needs in this world to be a wonderful family dog. I don't feel sorry for her, I "feel" for her. [big difference]
She has a wonderful temperament, loves people and from her bio it looks like she played well with other dogs in the beginning but the time that she has spent in the shelter she has become stressed and is selective with other dogs now. I am not going to say that she is "Dog Aggressive" , I think we have all learned a lesson from what can happen to a dog when they are placed with a " label" from the Story of Olive, the dog that was labeled "Dog Aggressive" and sat in a shelter for 2 years of her life, and no one wanted because of those 2 words - the unintended consequences of those 2 tiny words. [ A HUGE thank you to BadRap for removing that label and seeing Olive for what she was on the inside.]
I do not personally know this dog Autumn but I know someone who knows this dog and what they say is- she just needs out of the shelter and into a place where she can be given a chance to thrive- to be a dog.
She loves people,what more could you ask for?
The shelter loves this dog and their volunteers have worked so hard to try to find this dog a home.
Just because she is missing a leg doesn't make her any less worthy of a home, it doesn't make her damaged, it doesn't or it SHOULDN'T make people not want her.
The reality is, sometimes the "outside physical appearance" of a dog, or a human for that matter, is all that some people see and they pass by a dog who isn't "whole" - or is missing a leg,an ear or other body parts, or who might have scars or some other physical item missing]. We have got to change the thinking that a dog with missing parts on the outside is damaged, not good enough or broken, or a dog with a "label" is this or that - Find out for yourself. Yes, there are some animals whose temperaments just are not what can be placed but missing body parts shouldn't be the reason why a dog with a great temperament is passed up. Sure, would we like to see them be able to keep their limbs? Well of course we would, but sometimes its just not medically possible for them to do so.
So many dogs in this world are never given a chance because of some sort of physical disability - The time is now to look past those and begin to challenge those dogs- give them the opportunity to be challenged in life- to have the chance at life- Look past what " physical" part is missing and instead see whats on the inside- In the end, I think we would all see that what is in the inside could NEVER be taken away.
If I was asked to describe the perfect companion animal and it would magically appear to me , I would ask for this 1.A solid temperament,healthy dog, If it appeared to me with all that I asked but only 3 legs ,no ears,no tail and bald- I would not complain, I would say " Hey there little guy, tell me about yourself" and off we would go to live as companions to each-other, I certainly wouldn't send it back and say "No Thank you, its broken".
I also wanted to take a moment to applaud rescues that taken in animals with these "missing parts" - the ones who can see past the outside and look to the inside- Indianapolis is truly lucky to have a group like that, Mended Hearts Indy- I love their Mission, It reads : ...dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of animals of all breeds, ages, and capabilities.... Thank you MHI for seeing past and into the animals for what they have to offer and not what they are missing or look like on the outside.
We, the one's who are challenged, need to be heard. To be seen not as a disability, but as a person who has, and will continue to bloom. To be seen not only as a handicap, but as a well intact human being.
-- Robert M. Hensel
The shelter writes:
Autumn has already overcome so much in her young life Autumn was found wandering along a road in Sapulpa by a police officer that called the city's ACO and she was placed in the Scapula shelter. They think she is about 3 years old. Autumn is very friendly to humans. A volunteer reports she is getting sad and depressed in the shelter and needs some special TLC which they simply cannot provide her. She gets along very well with just 3 legs and will be current on all her shots, etc. when someone takes her into their forever home.
We don't know exactly what Autumn is except a mix breed in desperate need of help. You decide.
A volunteer at the shelter says it all..."Autumn is just a sweet lady that needs a loving home..."
We are trying to get this dog networked and find her a place to go. networking for this gal is all that we can do, but It is something - I would hope that if I were sitting in a place somewhere waiting for a chance to come my way- a break in life, that someone out there would share a post, share a picture or share my story-
We are all broken in some way shape or fashion- it's when we help each other put the pieces of ourselves back together that we can see past what we are missing on the outside and "see" what we have to offer on the "inside".
Here is Autumns petfinder link with all the contact information for her-
Contact Information for Autumn is :
Mary Taylor [ Sapulpa, Oklahoma Shelter] 918-850-2790
Very nice people at this shelter looking to get Autumn into a forever home.
NOTE: There is a transport that runs from this shelter to other shelters in the Chicago area- She would have a free ride if there are some reputable rescues or shelters in Chicago that would consider taking her in. If this is you- then please contact the shelter Autumn is in and talk to them about her.- Or you can email me at [Laurie] I can pass the message along.
I hope this helps you find your way little Autumn.
October 21,2012 UPDATE- We are THRILLED to be able to say that because of the networking that was done for Autumn she has found her forever home! How thrilling this is for her!
Have a great life little Autumn!