June Bug
June Bug's foster to adopt trial is going well. June Bug is slowing learning to trust the men in her forever home and has really came a long way in just a short time. We are so fortunate to have adopters who understand that some of our rescued dogs need a little more time to adjust and learn to trust again.
Name: June Bug
Gender: Female
Estimate Date of Birth: 8 years old
Size: 35lbs
Color: Black and white
June Bug is settling in nicely to her foster home. This shy gal is slow to warm up, but once you win her over she will be your very best friend. Snorty , short and stocky, June Bug loves couch time, snuggle time and quiet walks. Let's find Bug her forever home. You see June Bug came into the local shelter as a stray. She also has low vision and with the noisy environment of the shelter June Bug was terrified. Her foster home is taking it slow and allowing June Bug to come out of her shell and blossom into the wonderful dog we all know she is capable of being.