Amazing things happen with collaboration

This week marks the start of our partnership with Paws and Think! Casa del Toro current adoptabulls Brewster and Opie, along with recently adopted Ollie, are participating in Paws and Think's Youth-Canine Program. Through Paws and Think's Youth-Canine Program, youth learn how to nurture, understand, communicate with, motivate and reward (vs. punish) their dogs. Many of the principles the youth learn in the program transfer to their own lives since they see the benefits they are providing their dogs.

This partnership provides Casa del Toro adoptabulls with much needed training opportunities while also broadening the network of potential adopters through Paws and Think's advertising of the program. Most importantly to us, however, is the fact that this partnership provides us the opportunity to get pit bulls into local schools to educate that pit bulls are just normal dogs and dispel the myths.

We have been working on this partnership since October 2016. There are a lot of partners, moving pieces and logistics to coordinate and, oftentimes, it is very easy to forego the additional work it requires to work as a team and just go it alone, but we can achieve so much more as a community working together. So this partnership really says a lot when groups, that work in emotionally charged field of animal welfare, can put aside their own "I'm busy trying to do my work to achieve my mission" and work together to achieve more. 

I am so grateful to have such collaborative, communicative partners in this program and am glad to work together to achieve mutually beneficial goals. Check out the segment that was featured on WTHR's evening news at the bottom!